
Saturday, 7 July 2012

day in the doldrums...
spots of rain drumming
on and off since dawn


Gillena Cox said...

ah yes even though its hot, we are getting our rainy day melodies

much love...

Frank... said...

Thanks for stopping by Gillena...

Out of Sight L said...

Beautiful and cool...we've been under extreme heat and humidity, I'm so lucky to have AC

Frank... said...

Thanks for stopping by Lorraine. We've had a lot of rain in the UK lately.

Magyar said...

Drop, by drop by drop... these small things, can become so grand.
__Very well shown, Frank! _m

Frank... said...

Thanks for stopping by Magyar...

Adelaide said...

All those D sounds... I can hear the drumming.


Frank... said...

Thanks for stopping by Adelaide...

John McDonald said...

love them all Frank

Frank... said...

Thanks for stopping by John...