
Monday, 19 August 2013

first movement over...
the church’s old pews
creak & fall silent


Magyar said...

__I remember, as a lad, the old country church and the "sounds of silence" to use a well used term.
__The voices went silent... but all
other 'sounds' sang their own song.
__Nice, Frank! _m

Bill said...

I can hear it. In fact, I've heard it.

Out of Sight L said...

beautifully done I hear and see, bravo Frank and I Love old Churches

Frank... said...

Thanks for dropping by Magyar...

Frank... said...

Thanks for dropping by Bill...

Frank... said...

Thanks for dropping by Lorraine...

Gillena Cox said...

Frank, this is just exquisite!!!

much love...

Frank... said...

Thanks for dropping by Gillena...