
Sunday, 27 October 2013

For Lorraine

blustery day—
a cat suddenly pounces
on some shadows


Out of Sight L said...

For me? Frank, I'm very touched!!!

Frank... said...

You're very welcome, Lorraine. I know that you're a cat lover. Enjoy the rest of your Sunday...

Magyar said...

Frank... how nice of you, LL is always so worthy of mention!

__A comic(?) echo.

cats pounce
on this health
a shadow

Frank... said...

Thanks for dropping by and commenting Magyar & for your poem...

Out of Sight L said...

if I may Frank, Doug you're more right than you can even imagine

Frank... said...

Thanks Lorraine...

jem said...

Your word choice of 'some' shadows is perfect - to the cat it doesn't matter what they are - they are what it wants!

Frank... said...

Thanks for dropping by and commenting jem...