
Sunday, 7 June 2015

my mind tranquil—
sambucus flowers
scent a warm breeze


Magyar said...

Elderberrys; freshen the dank night air; a near frog.
__Well seen, amd my imagination wanders. _m

Bill said...

As simple as this seems, it would be a completely different poem if the order were changed

sambucus flowers
scent a warm breeze . . .
my mind tranquil

Good one, Frank

Frank... said...

Thanks for dropping by & commenting, Magyar...

Frank... said...

Thanks for dropping by & commenting, Bill...

Out of Sight L said...

It's like a soft breeze
music of leaves
soothes my mind,
So glad to be back Frank

Frank... said...

Thanks for dropping by & commenting, Lorraine. Good to see you're back...