
Monday, 18 February 2013

a new world mirrored
in the lily pond
(After Monet)


polona said...

oh, so pretty...

Magyar said...

It has been said: no two snowflakes
are the same.
(I'm stuck on -snow- I guess)
__But "a new world mirrored" too,
can imply, no two sunsets
or their reflections in the pond, are the same.
__Frank, here, then, is my perception of your good work. _m

Out of Sight L said...

You are a poet in the truest sense possible, this is pure and lovely

Frank... said...

Polona, Magyar & Lorraine thanks for stopping by & thanks for your kind comments...

Gillena Cox said...

a truly love reflection haiku

much love...

Frank... said...

Gillena: thanks for stopping by & thanks for your kind comment...

John McDonald said...


Frank... said...

Thanks for stopping by John...