
Tuesday, 14 January 2014

gallery—in a flash
one painting turns it
into a field of dreams


Out of Sight L said...

Oh I love that so much Frank, ps my new laptop told me I had 3 minutes to fix the overload on the I'm on my old laptop and I've opened a blog without photos, they aren't getting any of my photos anymore...the e-mail follow-up will soon change

Frank... said...

Thanks for dropping by and commenting, Lorraine. I hope that you'll get things sorted soon...

Out of Sight L said...

wow again it's so beautiful I now have my old e-mail address so I'm signing in anonymously :)I guess not

Bill said...

What paintings are for. Galleries, too

Frank... said...

Thanks for dropping by again, Lorraine...

Frank... said...

Thanks for dropping by again, Lorraine...

Frank... said...

Thanks for dropping by and commenting Bill...