
Sunday, 18 October 2015

sunlit path—snaking
around dying leaves
miles of snail trails


Unknown said...

Snails trails, only you Frank, love this, always

Bill said...

I like it, Frank. Just curious: why is "snaking" in line 1 rather than line 2?

Adelaide said...

snail trails
a silvery map
on the sidewalk


Magyar said...

__Such time without activity, creates concern within my senses; I hope all is well Frank_! _m

Frank... said...

Dear All,

My apologies for the delay in responding to your comments, things have been a bit up in the air of late. In answer to your question Bill, I put "snaking" on the 1st line to improve, IMHO the rhythm of the haiku. Thanks to everyone for your kind comments, they are appreciated.

Best wishes, Frank...