
Monday, 11 May 2009

HAIGA # 34


Lorraine said...

Oh Frank, how ingenious and totally striking, bravo for this astonishing duo...hey I rhymn lol

John McDonald said...

brilliant stuff Frank

Devika Jyothi said...

Oh! that was unexpected, Frank :)
brilliant, as always :)


polona said...

ah, the things this one evokes... a fine haiga

Ralf Bröker said...

Evolutionary - the leaf is alive in your set. Good one, as far as I can say, Frank.

Best wishes

Magyar said...

The quick changes that come to mind; I can hear the leaves along the walkway and smell the fresh rain moving in. A fine one Frank.

Emma Dalloway said...

this one appeals to many senses, paints a strong image, and tells a great story... you cant really ask for much more, can you?

J. Andrew Lockhart said...

the wet, the dry, I like how you did this.

Janice Thomson said...

Wonderful haiga Frank.
Like Magyar I smell that rain and feel the crunching of leaves underfoot...

Cindybrown said...

Wonderful :)

Pan Haiku Review said...

I really like 'threatening rain' and the sound of the haiku with crackles!

With Words Online Haiku Competition.

jem said...

Nice one - ominous, like the leaf is trying to speak.