
Saturday, 3 May 2014

from & to home
the same cat
crosses my path


Magyar said...

__Both he and the cat travel to and from their homes; the same intent on different trails. Juxta-travel.
__Nice! _m

Bill said...

our for a walk
I cross the path
of a black cat

Frank... said...

Thanks for visiting and leaving your comment, Magyar...

Frank... said...

Thanks for visiting and leaving your haiku, Bill...

Adelaide said...

Was it a black cat?


Frank... said...

It's a black cat with white legs. I see it most days. Thanks for dropping by Adelaide...

John McDonald said...

Nice sets frank

Out of Sight L said...

ah if she had white all under her belly and yellow eyes she would be my long lost Sammi, God I love her still

Frank... said...

Thanks for dropping by and commenting, John...

Frank... said...

Thanks for dropping by and commenting, Lorraine...